About MBA News

Welcome to MBA News Australia!

Completing my MBA was one of the most professionally and personally rewarding experiences of my life. The skills, confidence and networks I developed while undertaking my studies have opened up a new world of understanding and opportunity.

Before and during my studies, I realised the Australian MBA landscape lacked a definitive source of information that went beyond raw data and gave prospective MBAs a taste of what they can really expect from their life as a student.  Choosing the right school for your MBA is crucial and should be about far more than simple entry requirements, fees and accreditations.

We hope to inspire all of our readers to the take the first step on the long road to an MBA. It will be a difficult path with some seemingly insurmountable obstacles. But I can promise you, the destination is worth the journey.

We have three goals here at MBA News Australia:

  • Inform – provide the latest news, views and information about the courses available to people considering embarking on an MBA.
  • Educate – we want to help our readers understand the many options available to them for postgraduate business education
  • Advocate – be a champion for MBAs and the pursuit of management excellence.

Enjoy the site and please return regularly for more updates.


Ben Ready
Managing Editor
MBA News Australia

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