CQUniversity Master of Business Administration (MBA)


Originally founded in Rockhampton in 1967, CQUniversity Australia has experienced phenomenal growth in recent years through increased student numbers, development of new courses, new campuses, and infrastructure. CQUniversity has consistently been ranked in Australia’s top 10 universities by the Good Universities Guide* for learner engagement and skills development in postgraduate business and management courses.


Course Facts

18 months

Full Time Duration

36 months

Part Time Duration


Domestic Fees (2025)


International Fees (2025)

March, July


Course Overview

Originally founded in Rockhampton in 1967, CQUniversity Australia has experienced phenomenal growth in recent years through increased student numbers, development of new courses, new campuses, and infrastructure. CQUniversity has consistently been ranked in Australia’s top 10 universities by the Good Universities Guide* for learner engagement and skills development in postgraduate business and management courses.

Students can enrol on campus at CQUni Brisbane, Melbourne or Sydney, or study online from anywhere in Australia, making it a great option for people wanting to take the opportunity to upskill during lockdown periods.

CQUni’s MBA focusses on developing human-centred management capabilities to develop innovative leaders with integrity and purpose, and who have insights to tackle the changing landscape of the public sector, not-for-profit, social and ethical purpose organisations as well as the for-profit sector.

*The Good Universities Guide 2022

Course Structure

Students are required to complete twelve units, comprising of eight core units and a choice of four units from a list of nominated electives or a major field of study.

The list of majors include:

  • Project Management

Contextualise your understanding of project management and follow the Project Management Institute (PMI) global standards and practices. In this major, you will develop your skills to lead lean projects, manage contracts and procurement processes applicable to any sector.

  • Emergency Management

This is an ideal option for professionals currently working, or with an interest, in the emerging field of emergency and disaster management roles. Emergency management provides foundation knowledge in the management frameworks of emergencies and disasters. Adopting concepts of key SDG principles, you will develop knowledge of models, systems and processes required to effectively mitigate, prepare, respond and recover from various disasters.

  • Forensic Analysis

Future-proof your skills in data analytics and statistics to confidently lead organisations and make quick managerial decisions. This major covers topics in statistics for managerial decisions, accounting systems, forensic accounting, and financial data analytics.

  • General Management

Our General Management major allows you to choose from a range of electives based on your career interests. Choose from finance, marketing, employee relations, ethics, professional practice, and social innovation.

Entry Requirements

For entry into the Master of Business Administration, you are required to possess one of the following:

  • A completed Australian Bachelor degree, or higher Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) equivalent qualification with three years of full-time (or equivalent part-time) relevant* business experience; or
  • A minimum of five years relevant* business experience.

*Relevant business experience includes a working knowledge of how a business operates, for example, budgeting, staffing, project management, financial reporting, process management.

Professional experience must be shown in a letter of employment which is presented on a company letterhead as well as signed and dated by a delegated authority. The letter must contain position title, duties performed and length of service. Applicants being admitted solely based on relevant business experience may be referred to the Head of Course to confirm employment experience meets the course requirements.

International Students

If you were not born in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Ireland, South Africa or United States of America, you are required to meet the English Language Proficiency requirements set by the University. Please contact CQUniversity for more information.

Each student will be assessed individually.


Originally founded in Rockhampton in 1967, as the Queensland Institute of Technology (QIT) Capricornia, CQUniversity Australia was granted full University status in 1992 and now has more than 30 000 students studying online and on-campus across Australia.

Contact Details

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CEO Magazine Online MBA Rankings (2024)


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