CQUniversity Master of Business Administration (MBA) Global


Originally founded in Rockhampton in 1967, CQUniversity Australia has experienced phenomenal growth in recent years through increased student numbers, development of new courses, new campuses, and infrastructure.


Course Facts

18 months

Full Time Duration

36 months

Part Time Duration


Domestic Fees (2025)


International Fees (2025)

March, July


Course Overview

CQUniversity’s Master of Business Administration (Global) is ideal for students from different countries, seeking career advancement and future employment opportunities. The MBA (Global) is available online or oncamus in Melbourne and Sydney and will enhance your understanding and application of best-practice management and business knowledge, to improve organisational effectiveness from a strategic and cross-cultural perspective.

The Master of Business Administration is generally regarded as the premier business qualification for practising managers and leaders. The MBA (Global) uses the DNA of our MBA and is a course for students from different countries, with limited prior work experience with varying employment backgrounds, who are seeking career advancement and future employment opportunities.

The MBA (Global) will greatly assist your understanding and application of best-practice management and business knowledge, to improve organisational effectiveness from a strategic and cross cultural perspective. While undertaking the MBA (Global), you will gain differing perspectives and approaches to current and emerging business issues through interaction with academics, colleagues and members of the business community, thus enabling you to competently lead, manage, and understand the key aspects of business and organisations within a global context.

This MBA (Global) provides the opportunities, skills and knowledge for you to develop your management, leadership and cross-cultural capabilities in a broad range of areas including strategy, economics, marketing, people management, operations management and business ethics along with the opportunity to develop advanced knowledge in a range of areas.


Originally founded in Rockhampton in 1967, as the Queensland Institute of Technology (QIT) Capricornia, CQUniversity Australia was granted full University status in 1992 and now has more than 30 000 students studying online and on-campus across Australia.

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CEO Magazine Online MBA Rankings

CEO Magazine Online MBA Rankings (2024)


AFR BOSS Best Business Schools

AFR BOSS Best Business Schools (2024)


CQUniversity in the News

Aussie MBAs Aplenty In CEO Magazine’s 2024 Global MBA Rankings

Australian MBA programs performed extremely well in the latest global ranking, with 11 different business schools achieving the coveted Tier 1 ranking. CEO Magazine has been showcasing top business schools from around the globe since it first launched in 2008. In 2012 the publication launched its annual Global MBA Rankings, profiling MBA, Executive MBA programs. […]
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CQ University MBA graduate Kerry Staines and her son Tyler had the unique opportunity to share their graduation day.

First Nations MBA Graduate Champions Heritage And Education

When trailblazing businesswoman and First Nations leader Kerry Staines proudly donned her graduation gown to celebrate completing her CQUniversity MBA (Leadership), it was not just a huge personal milestone, but a unique family celebration. As a descendant of the Mandandanji and Wakka Wakka Peoples, she was proud to represent her culture by wearing a CQU […]
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CQU Delivers MBA Program In One Of Australia’s Closest Neighbours

CQUniversity is broadening its MBA horizons by delivering programs at a new campus in Jakarta as part of a plan to develop an Indonesian presence. The university opened its Jakarta centre in Sopo Del Office Tower in March 2020. The MBA program in Jakarta has expanded in 2021 and is provided in partnership with the local […]
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Australian MBAs Rank Well In Latest CEO Magazine Scores

The 2021 report also recognised three Australian Executive MBA programs and 11 online MBA programs. CEO Magazine has released its annual Global MBA rankings each year since 2012. This year, 338 programs from 180 business schools from across North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa were ranked. The magazine […]
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