Excel in the rapidly changing business world with Federation University’s MBA and become a global business leader, world-class manager or successful entrepreneur.
Excel in the rapidly changing business world with Federation University’s MBA and become a global business leader, world-class manager or successful entrepreneur.
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Excel in the rapidly changing business world with Federation University’s MBA and become a global business leader, world-class manager or successful entrepreneur.
You’ll develop your knowledge of key business skills including accounting, finance, human resource management, marketing and more. You’ll also boost your leadership skills and workshop your own management style with Federation University Australia’s managerial courses. Then you’ll take the lead with your own project, strategically planning an enterprise.
Plus, if you’re studying Federation University Australia’s 16 course MBA, you can choose subjects from other postgraduate business courses like strategic marketing, business economics or entrepreneurship.
Federation is regional Victoria’s largest education institution. We have campuses in Ballarat, Berwick, Gippsland and the Wimmera. We’re a university and a TAFE. We offer a range of courses that link directly to current industry trends. But what we’re most proud of is our diverse student community.
MBA News is Australia’s leading source of news, views and information about studying an MBA in Australia. MBA News is published by RG Communications (Aust) Pty Ltd (ABN 12 156 573214) trading as RGC Media & Mktng.
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