The University of Western Australia Flexible MBA is ideal for experienced professionals looking to transform their career and build on their skills in leadership and management.
The University of Western Australia Flexible MBA is ideal for experienced professionals looking to transform their career and build on their skills in leadership and management.
Part Time Duration
The University of Western Australia Flexible MBA has a strong focus on current business trends and is highly desirable for professionals looking to move into higher levels of management.
The University of Western Australia Flexible MBA is ideal for experienced professionals looking to transform their career and build on their skills in leadership and management. Flexible MBA students will complete core studies in all the principal areas of business, providing the skills and knowledge necessary to take on the greatest business challenges.
In addition, students are able to choose from a range of option units, allowing them to tailor the course to suit their interests and goals. The MBA Flexible includes specialist focus areas in Leadership, Natural Resources or General Management, as well as option units in areas such as finance, entrepreneurship, and social impact.
The UWA Business School is one of the premier business schools in the Indo-Pacific region. The School uses world-class teaching, thought-leading research and corporate associations to provide real-world experience, hands-on learning and industry networking, giving students a career edge in their field.
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