Edith Cowan University

Edith Cowan University

Recognised as one of the world’s top business schools, ECU’s School of Business and Law offers exceptional student learning experiences. We provide a supportive environment, high-quality teaching and learning, excellent facilities and resources, and engaged applied research to ensure our graduates are industry-ready.

Why study an MBA at Edith Cowan University?


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Rankings offer a valuable benchmark of an MBAs reputation, outcomes, and competitiveness compared to others - helping students gauge quality, compare options, and impress future employers.


AFR BOSS Best Business Schools

AFR BOSS Best Business Schools (2024)

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Why does accreditation matter?

Accreditation ensures the provider and/or program meets global standards of quality, credibility, and relevance - boosting your degree’s value and your career prospects.

Association of Advanced Collegiate Schools of Business

Edith Cowan University Course Profiles

Edith Cowan University
Edith Cowan University

Edith Cowan University News

How Helping to Build A School In Cambodia Prepared These ECU MBA Students To “Show Up”

There are many quotes attributed to writers, philosophers, movie stars, politicians and saints that espouse the value of travel in broadening the mind, building bridges and providing a sense of perspective. With the world needing leaders with open hearts and minds, an International Business Study tour to Cambodia undertaken in July by Edith Cowan University […]
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Inclusive Leaders Are Critical To Building Employee Satisfaction

Employee retention is a key focus for corporations globally, and new research from Edith Cowan University (ECU) has found that leadership style could have a noticeable impact on an employee’s working experience. The study by ECU researchers Dr Azadeh Shafaei and Dr Mehran Nejati found that inclusive leaders are crucial in organisations to create conditions […]
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UNSW Retains AFR Best Business School Title

The University of New South Wales has retained the top spot in the latest 2023 AFR Boss Best Business Schools ranking with the University of Melbourne and Queensland University of Technology rounding out the top three. The Rankings assess nearly 40 Australian business schools across three categories: quality, reputation, and career impact. In 2022 the […]
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ECU Business School Achieves Coveted Global Accreditation

The School of Business and Law at Edith Cowan University (ECU) has been certified by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), making it a member of the world’s top business schools. This is a significant achievement for ECU, which becomes one of only a handful of universities in Australia to hold this […]
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Edith Cowan University Student Stories

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