Newcastle Business School

University of Newcastle

Students at Newcastle Business School benefit from a curriculum which is international in focus, and challenges them to understand and question the global economy and society of which they are part.

Why study an MBA at Newcastle Business School?


Why do rankings matter?

Rankings offer a valuable benchmark of an MBAs reputation, outcomes, and competitiveness compared to others - helping students gauge quality, compare options, and impress future employers.


AFR BOSS Best Business Schools

AFR BOSS Best Business Schools (2024)

Accredited by

Why does accreditation matter?

Accreditation ensures the provider and/or program meets global standards of quality, credibility, and relevance - boosting your degree’s value and your career prospects.

Association of Advanced Collegiate Schools of Business

European Quality Improvement System

Newcastle Business School Course Profiles

Newcastle Business School
Newcastle Business School

Newcastle Business School News

How This MBA Gives Leaders The Advantage In A Turbulent COVID Business World

While the pandemic was causing massive disruption to industries across the globe, the MBA program at The University of Newcastle was rapidly adapting to equip students with the skills surging in demand. The University’s Business School was keeping a finger on the pulse of the changing environment through an industry advisory board and was able to pinpoint emerging trends through a network of partnerships and […]
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Australian MBAs Rank Well In Latest CEO Magazine Scores

The 2021 report also recognised three Australian Executive MBA programs and 11 online MBA programs. CEO Magazine has released its annual Global MBA rankings each year since 2012. This year, 338 programs from 180 business schools from across North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa were ranked. The magazine […]
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Australian MBAs Score Well In Latest CEO Magazine Rankings

Eleven Australian MBA programs have been awarded Tier One status in the latest Global MBA Rankings by US-based CEO Magazine. The new report also recognised three Australian Executive MBA programs and 10 online MBA programs. CEO Magazine has released its annual Global MBA rankings each year since 2012. In 2020 the magazine received submissions from […]
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Newcastle Business School Student Stories

The University of Newcastle MBA Made Me A Better Leader And Person: Jessica Redman

Studying a Master of Business Administration has proved to be one of the finest moves for both Jessica Redman’s career progression and personal development. Not only did it accelerate her rise to the position of Group Learning and Organisational Development Manager at international health partner, the nib Group, but Jessica believes her Master of Business […]
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