Two Australian Universities Extend Prestigious AACSB Accreditation

The University of Melbourne and Curtin University have extended their accreditation with the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), an award which recognises excellence in business education.

The two Australian universities were among 41 business schools to extend their accreditation in business with the AACSB.

University of Melbourne Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics Professor Paul Kofman said the accreditation highlighted the quality of the school’s programs and the calibre of educators.

“It illustrates our faculty’s commitment to continuously evolving and improving the quality of business education, shows that the programs we offer are the world’s best standard, and that we are always searching for ways to innovate in the delivery and content of learning. I congratulate faculty and staff on this tremendous result.”

Dean of Melbourne Business School Professor Ian Harper AO said the school was committed to providing the best education for business professionals of the future and present.

“Despite the challenges we have faced during the time of COVID-19, achieving this accreditation is a testament to the capabilities of our staff and faculty. ”

Achieving accreditation is as multiyear effort where schools focus on developing and implementing a plan to align with AACSB’s accreditation standards. These standards require excellence in areas relating to strategic management and innovation; student, faculty, and staff as active participants; learning and teaching; and academic and professional engagement.

To achieve accounting accreditation, an institution must first earn AACSB business accreditation. Then, in addition to developing and implementing a mission-driven plan to satisfy the business accreditation quality standards, accounting accreditation requires the satisfaction of a supplemental set of standards specific to the discipline and profession of accounting.

Once accreditation is achieved, each institution participates in a five-year continuous improvement peer review to maintain high quality and extend its accreditation.


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