University of Sydney bring home the win at inaugural Great Debate

University of Sydney Business School Great Debate Team
University of Sydney Business School Great Debate Team

[spacer height=”20px”]Four of Sydney’s best business school’s competed for top spot at the inaugural Intervarsity Great Debate hosted by Zurich Australia.

Coming off the success of the MBA Cup, The Great Debate sees representatives from AGSM @ UNSW Business School, UTS Business School, University of Sydney Business School and Macquarie Graduate School of Management, debate on current issues faced by the business world.

The idea for The Great Debate was born when each school saw the need for Sydney-based schools to come together to develop platforms for students to discuss, network and build strong business relationships. AGSM Professor Julie Cogin believes the competition will help to strengthen bonds between the schools and for students to use the skills learnt during their MBA studies.

“As a former debater myself, I understand the value of being able to present powerful arguments in a business setting and I applaud any initiative which encourages students to hone these skills early in their career. This is a great initiative initiated by the AGSM students and will hopefully be the start of an ongoing relationship to promote the strength of management education in Australia.”

Partnering with some of Australia’s largest organisations, adjudicators for the night included Scott Fergusson, Parnter, Financial services & Insurance for PWC, Daniel Fogarty, CEO for Zurich Australian Insurance and the Hon. Melinda Pavey MLC, The parliamentary secretary for regional and rural health.

With all schools debating it out, the final round saw long standing rivals University of Sydney Business School and AGSM go head to head arguing whether the benefits of social media outweighs the risk of privacy and reputation. Despite strong arguments from both sides, The University of Sydney were deemed the winners of the first Master’s Cup – The Great Debate.

Ben Ready
Ben Ready founded MBA News in 2014 and is the Managing Editor. He is a former business and finance journalist with Australian Associated Press (AAP) and Dow Jones Newswires in London. Ben completed his MBA in 2012 and was awarded the QUT GMAA Entrepreneurship Prize. He is also the founder and Managing Director of RGC Media & Mktng (